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You Are Here:HomeProductsPortable/Tactical Bomb Jammers
High-power Portable DDS Multi-band Jamming System

Name:High-power Portable DDS Multi-band Jamming System



01. High-power portable multi-band jammer.
02. Field programmability for rapid adjustment frequence with output Watt.
03. Modular construction for easy maintenance,repair and upgrade.
04. Jammer up to five different jamming modules simultaneously,and cover up to 10 different frequency bands.
05. Each module with LED display to show its working frequency ,output power and etc.
06. 250-300 watt total RF output power.
07. Equipped with a remote control unit. The operator can ON/OFF each module through the wired remote controller.
08. Fully portable trolley-type case.
09. Internal battery, AC mains or DC power.
10. External LED display to indicate the batterylevel.
11. Designed with external backup battery input, adapted to external battery. Facilitating to change the battery timely for field use.


Product details

Detonation and confidence leaking, resultingfrom Road-side Remote Improvised Explosive Device (RCIED) have been seriousthreat for the lives’ safety of the bomb disposal troop and law enforcementquality of anti-terrorismunit.To ensure the smooth process of law enforcementtask and people’s lives safety have been the tremendous challenge and task inmany parts of the world.

Wolvesfleet solutions—WF-VIP JAM5, High Power DDS Convoy Jamming System,implementing the most effective and reliable RF jamming technology and equipped with a fully-integrated broadband jamming system.

WF-VIP JAM5  can cover, continuously and simultaneously,all the RF communication Frequencies 20MHz~3600MHz.

WF-VIP JAM5, Fully portable multi band DDS Jamming system, is designed with a ruggedized trolley type case ,light weight, high mobility and reliance. This device is configured with 5 different jamming modules. The jamming frequency can be more than10 Bands. Jamming frequency module can be up to 250-300watt output power.

The WF-VIP JAM5 Jammer is especially easy to install andoperate: simply attach the selected antennas and activate the desired frequency bands. All operating controls and LED indicators are externally installed. Theunit operates from internal battery, or can draw power from AC mains or asuitable DC powersource.

The general design of the system meetsmilitary requirements as well as international quality standards andrequirements. Our industrial in-house quality management system guarantees highest quality standards in terms of performance, reliably and long-lifecycles.

Based on our general design, we can further customize our systems to client-specified scenarios both for military and civil applications in order to provide the best individual solution.


Bomb disposal squads, VIP protection, Special Police (S.W.A.T), military security forces, bomb squads, anti-terror units, anti-drug units, border control units, checkpoint personnel, these types of law enforcement personnel who benefit greatly from the deployment of any of these best-in-class portable RF jamming solutions.

They can conduct the law enforcement process more effectively to reduce the chance that the criminals leak the information.

All Bomb Jammers,IED Jammers,RF Signal Jammer and RCIED Jammers,including cell phone jammers and mobile phone jamming devices are sold for governmental, law enforcement and military users only.





Contact Person: Miss. Mabel Tu

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