Nigeria s telecoms regulator has refuted reports that it may delay this week s planned auction of a 2 3Ghz spectrum auction
There are now two bidders left after the shortlist was narrowed down. The bidders, both of whom made a non-refundable US$2.3 million deposit to bid are Globacom and Bitflux Communications. However, Globacom is considered the most likely winner.
The government is offering just the one license comprising of 30Mhz of 2.3Ghz spectrum. The winner will be required to build a wholesale wireless broadband network that will lease capacity to the other mobile networks.
Globacom has already said that if it wins, it will use the network to add a fixed wireless service to its existing mobile network.
The other main mobile networks declined to participate in the bidding, having largely decided to wait until next year's 700Mhz spectrum auction.
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