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How do I shield my home from cell tower (or RF) radiation?
Time: 2014/2/20Click on: 88Come from:

Compared to magnetic field shielding, shielding a home from cell tower radiation is reasonably straightforward. In theory, you want to create a continuous, highly conductive enclosure around the home. Any areas that are not conductive, even cracks under a door, will allow radiation to leak in. Perfect total shielding requires a perfect total enclosure. However, in a home environment, total radiation elimination may not be required. For example, perhaps 90% reduction is adequate.

There are several materials you can use to create the conductive enclosure, depending on your needs and your budget. Some materials are more appropriate for walls and ceilings, while other are better for windows. The higher the conductivity of the material, the better the shielding it will provide. Keep in mind such additional factors such as: durability, corrosion resistance, toxicity, ease of installation, appearance, and size.

For doors, walls, floors and ceilings, CuPro-Cote or Y-shield conductive paints offer very good shielding and are very convenient. Apply like ordinary paint on interior surfaces. You can paint over the conductive paint with a standard latex paint to achieve the desired color and to protect the conductive surface.

You can also cover the walls with a conductive fabric such as Pure Copper Polyester Taffeta or ArgenMesh. Apply the fabric as you would a wallpaper, remembering to overlap slightly at the seams to avoid leakage. You can cover over the fabric with a standard wallpaper, paneling or drywall.

Cover windows with conductive plastic film such as Clear-Shield or ScotchTint and/or shielded drapes (or drape linings) with conductive fabric such as High Performance Silver Mesh.

Remember to treat openings such as switch plates, outlet covers, dryer vents etc. But because shielding materials are conductive, be very careful to avoid allowing them to come into contact with electric wires to avoid a shock hazard. Also remember to provide proper grounding to each component which is not in contact with the others.

(from Wolvesfleet Jamming)