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Helpful 4G Cell Phone Signal Blocker for Travel
Time: 2014/3/13Click on: 21Come from:


We know that now since the technology is keeping advancing and improving so that now there are a lot of tracking devices that can be used to track the position of people and for people who are being tracked this is really a trouble, but now if they use the handheld WIFI 4G cell phone jammer they can easily solve the problem and then live in the normal condition that without the tracking and mobile phone noises such as the mobile phone calls, and then you can just have a look at the “Portable RF Jammer & 3G 4G All Cell Phone Blocker”, which is a High Power handheld WIFI 4G cell phone jammer.

And then go directly to have a look at the details of this handheld 3G 4G wifi signal jammer and soon you will know that this is a portable wifi cell phone blocker and it is a six-band unit, designed to meet most of the demands for signal jamming. The effected frequency ranges includes CDMA/PCS 1805-960MHz, DCS/PCS 1805 to 1880MHZ, 3G 2110-2170, 4G LTE 725-770MHZ, 4G WIMAX 2400-2500MHz, GPSL1 1570-1580 MHZ. It will efficiently jam all mobile phone 2G, 3G, 4G signal and GPS L1 bands within the range up to 20m, depending on the signal strength given in the area.

Besides this portable wifi 4G jammer is also designed with car charger as well so that you can easily use the handheld GPS 4G cell phone jammer in the car when you have the need, thus as it is designed with good cooling system so that while it is charging you can also use it as well, so that when you want to drive you car outside you can easily reach your goal. Besides being used in the car for places such as the meeting rooms, conference rooms, trains, bus as well as many other locations this handheld GPS 4G cell phone jammer can also be used as well.

So do you in need to get such kind of handheld GPS 4G cell phone jammer and use it to help you, then you can just come here and you will obtain the handheld wifi 4G cell phone jammer with both high quality and cheap price.